From yellapur you have to take again one bus to Magodu villege n that will be 15-20 mins journey. The point where the bus will left you need to take left and trek on pukka road till the road ends...:)[dats around 1-1.5km]. We reached the Magodu water fall by 9:15am and got fresh over there seems that there was a park where ocasionally local school children comes for a day picnic n then the real breath taking n life time trek got started. We started getting down from the top of the hill to go the base of Magodu water falls.
Initially there are proper steps are made but very soon they will disapperd coz many are still under construction. We were crossing through thick bamboo jungle n thorny bushes n even too slippery big boulders with the help of roots hanging down from the trees.
After walking around one hour we got stuck at a point where was no way. Very soon we get to realize that we are just standing on the edge of straight rock down to the earth n that was around more than 300 feet. we decided that we again go up and find some other new trail to get down. Again we went up take some random left somewhere in between and started gettting down. But alas....some more thrill....again one straight rock but this was having lesser height than the previous one. So we decieded to get down with the help of rope. Sathya tied the rope to a tree and thats the way how we mananged to get down to the base of watere fall. That was the momemnt man...never did rock climbing/rappling in life but this place taught us everything now.

without rope....its impossible to get down from this place...!!!
After gettting down we had our lunch on the bank of bedthi river n then visit the Magodu water fall once agin from bottom.

@ the base of Magodu waterfall...!!!
Now we need to go the other side of the river and trek along the bedthi river. This bedthi river then meets some other river after around 3-4 km from where we need to take the left and reach the Shivaganga waterfalls,but we dont know any thing else except having some blue prints of our very own google map. Actually we wasted lot of time in getting down to the base of waterfall coz of which we fell short of target to camp at samgam of bedthi river. There are actually very nice location to camp on the bank of bedthi river you may get the same feeling of camping at a beach. It was a full moon night so moon light..river..cold breeze..sand..makes it a prefect location for outing n camping.
Next morning we dont know how much we need to walk so as soon as we woke up next morning around 6 am, we started walking along the river. Almost after one n half hour we were at the sangam of bedthi river.
We rested over there for a while n pull out our maps to know where exactly we are. After that we kept walking for hours getting up n down the boulders with ropes and putting the big tree trunk between the rocks to make a bridge so that we can cross over the river. After taking the left from sangam you need to be vvv carefull one step without concentration n you will directly fall in river which will flow in full fledge way. Finally around 4pm after hours of trekking we were at the Shivaganga waterfalls. But...the real thirll was waitig for us here. We had to cross the river in which you can not stand for a second because of its heavy flow. We need to cross the river to go on the other side of river and man it was our pure luck some college students had came down to that place for a picnic. They helped us in crossing the river. It was a wide river and we cant throw the rope to them directly.
Most of them were swimmers so they came in mid of river n step down on stones. We throw the ropes to them and then they thowed one end of rope to their friends on the other side of river. This way we got a rope tightly hanging on river and then we crossed the river. From there we will climbed up the hill n then again you need to walk around 2 km to reach a villege where you can get the transport to reach city. When we reached the city accidently we met forest official n the way we were dressed up that time they dint took much time to realize that we were in the area from trekking. After that we got to know that no one had ever done that trek from Magodu water fall
to Shivanganga waterfalls. He even tried to threatn us about telling stories of wild animals in jungle but by that time our trek was over. So in one word this was a termendous trek full of thrill...!!!
Things you must carry : ROPE [coz this is the hope over there :)]
Things you may carry : No need to carry water as you will be walking beside water stream only,suncap,good grip rubber shose.
I from the neighbouring village and did in severel small trips. It is really great to do the trek in one streatch.
thanks bro...
That is some bravado. But there are people whom I know who have done this route successfully couple of times way back in 2000-2002. But there are also many who have failed on this route. Now, your group is the second team that I have heard of which did this tough route successfully. Great.
How to reach starting point from banglore
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